Blog Archives

Art Summary of May 2019

PRO-DUC-TIVITY COMMON!! This month was better just cause tablet decided to work  bit more this month than the last few months so yey!

Art Summary of May

This month was mainly all about WIPs. So not a lot of completed art has been done. I dunno? All in all it’s done for this month

Have a good one.

Art Summary of May

VD B-day Rakusaru Gift Smol Icon Cloud Jumpers Kurabib Lantras

Ehhh This month I wasn’t very active, as I was working more on my school projects and Photoshop there. As well as a lot has happened in the month of May, seeing as how I will be graduating this month… HO BOY! Soon I’ll be off to college ^^’ Welp Hopefully I’ll be more active this month?